Reinforcement Learning with Policy Gradients using PyTorch


  1. What reinforcement learning is all about?
    1. Introduction
    2. Deep Reinforcement Learning
    3. Methods to solve reinforcement learning problems
    4. Insight into Policy Gradients
  2. PG Pong
    1. Environment (OpenAI Gym)
    2. Input (preprocessing)
    3. Model (policy network)
    4. How to decide what action to take and why with stochastic policy?
    5. Learning!
  3. Extras
    1. Why to discount rewards?
    2. Deriving Policy Gradients from score function gradient estimator
    3. Policy distribution shifting interpretation
    4. Weights visualization
    5. Improvement ideas

1. What reinforcement learning is all about?


rl loop

An RL algorithm seeks to maximize the agent’s expected return (total future reward), given a previously unknown environment, through a trial-and-error learning process.

Our solution will be a policy. policy

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Solve RL problems through deep learning.


All of them seek to maximize expected return but in different ways.

Policy Gradients

Expected return:

$$ J\left( \mathbf{\theta}\right) =\mathbf{E}\left[ \sum\nolimits_{t=0}^{T}R_{t}\right] \\ R_t - \text{random variable representing reward reached at time } t \\ \text{ following policy } \pi \text{ from some initial state} \\ T - \text{final time step or end of the episode} $$

All we do is finding gradient estimate of expected return to do stochastic gradient ascend update!


If the gradient estimate is unbiased and learning rates fulfill $\sum\textstyle_{h=0}^{\infty}\alpha_{h}>0$ and $\sum\textstyle_{h=0}^{\infty}\alpha_{h}^{2}=\textrm{const}\ ,$ the learning process is guaranteed to converge at least to a local minimum.

2. PG Pong

Environment (OpenAI Gym)

In [ ]:
import gym

env = gym.make('Pong-v0').unwrapped
observation = env.reset()

while True:
    observation, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
    # Record reward for future training
    reward_sum += reward

Input (preprocessing)

In [ ]:
def preprocess(img):
    """ Preprocess 210x160x3 uint8 frame into 6400 (80x80) 1D float vector """
    I = img[35:195]     # crop
    I = I[::2, ::2, 0]  # downsample by factor of 2
    I[I == 144] = 0     # erase background (background type 1)
    I[I == 109] = 0     # erase background (background type 2)
    I[I != 0] = 1       # everything else (paddles, ball) just set to 1

    return I.astype(np.float).ravel()


In [ ]:
class PolicyGradient(nn.Module):
    It's out model class.

    def __init__(self, in_dim):
        super(PolicyGradient, self).__init__()
        self.hidden = nn.Linear(in_dim, 200)
        self.out = nn.Linear(200, 3)

        self.rewards = []
        self.actions = []

        # Weights initialization
        for m in self.modules():
            if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
                # 'n' is number of inputs to each neuron
                n = len([1])
                # "Xavier" initialization
      , np.sqrt(2. / n))

    def forward(self, x):
        h = F.relu(self.hidden(x))
        logits = self.out(h)
        return F.softmax(logits)

    def reset(self):
        del self.rewards[:]
        del self.actions[:]

Stochastic policy

We use stochastic policy which means our model produces probability distribution over all actions, π(a | s) = probability of action given state. Then we sample from this distribution in order to get action.

Why stochastic policy?:

  • We can use the score function gradient estimator, which tries to make good actions more probable.
  • Stochastic environments.
  • Partially observable states.
  • The randomness inherent in the policy leads to exploration, which is crucial for most learning problems.

In [ ]:
def get_action(policy, observation):
    # Get current state, which is difference between current and previous state
    cur_state = preprocess(observation)
    state = cur_state - get_action.prev_state \
        if get_action.prev_state is not None else np.zeros(len(cur_state))
    get_action.prev_state = cur_state

    var_state = Variable(
        # Make torch FloatTensor from numpy array and add batch dimension
    probabilities = policy(var_state)
    # Stochastic policy: roll a biased dice to get an action
    action = probabilities.multinomial()
    # Record action for future training
    # '+ 1' converts action to valid Pong env action
    return[0, 0] + 1


Supervised Learning

Maximize log likelihood of true label (e.g. cross-entropy error).

Loss: $ \sum_i log p(\text{a } \vert \text{ img}) $

Reinforcement Learning

Maximize log likelihood of good action and minimize it for bad actions (via advantage or on diagram "eventual reward").

Policy Gradients: Run a policy for a while. See what actions led to high rewards. Increase their probability.

Loss: $ \sum_i A_i log p(\text{a } \vert \text{ img}) $

In [ ]:
# Let's play the game ;)
while True:
    ### Here actions are taken in environment ###
    action = get_action(policy, observation)
    observation, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
    # Record reward for future training
    reward_sum += reward

    ### Here is our reinforcement learning logic ###
    if done:
        num_episodes += 1


        # Reinforce actions
        for action, reward in zip(policy.actions, rewards):

        # BACKPROP!!! (Gradients are accumulated each episode until update)
        autograd.backward(policy.actions, [None for a in policy.actions])

        ### Here we do weight update each batch ###
        if num_episodes % HPARAMS.batch_size == 0:
            print "### Updated parameters! ###"

3. Extras

Discounted reward

In a more general RL setting we would receive some reward $r_t$ at every time step. One common choice is to use a discounted reward, so the “eventual reward” in the diagram above would become:

$$ R_t = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \gamma^k r_{t+k} \\ 0 \leq \gamma < 1 $$

But why discounted?

  • We care more about tomorrow than what will be sometime in the distant future.
  • In infinite horizont without discount we would get infinite rewards (infinite in this case means troubles).

Know your limit!...

$$ 0 \leq \gamma < 1 \\ R_t = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \gamma^k r_{t+k} \leq \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \gamma^k R_{max} = \frac{R_{max}}{1 - \gamma} $$

Infinite horizont has finite sum of discounted rewards...

Why is this important?

Maximum Expected Utility (MEU) principle says...

A rational agent should chose the action that maximizes its expected utility given its knowlage.

Expected utility in state s with respect to policy:

$$ U^{\pi}(s) = E[\sum_{t = 0}^{\infty}\gamma^tR(S_t)] \\ S_t - \text{random variable representing state reached at time } t \text{ following policy } \pi $$

...where the expectation is with respect to the probability distribution over state sequences determined by s and π.

Comparing infinities could be problematic...

In [ ]:
# Compute discounted reward
discounted_R = []
running_add = 0
for reward in policy.rewards[::-1]:
    if reward != 0:
        # Reset the sum, since this was a game boundary (pong specific!)
        running_add = 0

        running_add = running_add * HPARAMS.gamma + reward
        # "Further" actions have less discounted rewards
        discounted_R.insert(0, running_add)

    rewards = FloatTensor(discounted_R)
    # Standardize rewards
    rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / \
        (rewards.std() + np.finfo(np.float32).eps)
    # Batch size shouldn't influence update step
    rewards = rewards / HPARAMS.batch_size

Deriving Policy Gradients

Score function gradient estimator

$$ f(x) - \text{scalar valued score function (our reward function).} \\ p(x|\theta) - \text{probability distribution parametrized by } \theta \text{ (our policy network).} $$

We are interested in finding how we should shift the distribution (through its parameters θ) to increase the scores of its samples, as judged by f (i.e. how do we change the network’s parameters so that action samples get higher rewards).

\begin{align} \nabla_{\theta} E_{x \sim p(x | \theta)}[f(x)] &= \nabla_{\theta} \sum_x p(x) f(x) & \text{definition of expectation} \\ & = \sum_x \nabla_{\theta} p(x) f(x) & \text{swap sum and gradient} \\ & = \sum_x p(x) \frac{\nabla_{\theta} p(x)}{p(x)} f(x) & \text{both multiply and divide by } p(x) \\ & = \sum_x p(x) \nabla_{\theta} \log p(x) f(x) & \text{use the fact that } \nabla_{\theta} \log(z) = \frac{1}{z} \nabla_{\theta} z \\ & = E_x[f(x) \nabla_{\theta} \log p(x) ] & \text{definition of expectation} \\ \end{align}$$ f(x) \nabla_{\theta} \log p(x) - \text{unbiased gradient estimator!} $$


Weights visualization


  • Hiperparameters tuning
  • ConvNets
  • Move penalty?

